The long days of sun and heat are over, and of zero worries. Yes, it’s time to get back to the routine, but you can do it in style with this guide to start the course with Additio App that we have prepared for you. Because in Additio App we want to help you return to classes smoothly and without stress.
In addition, if you stay until the end, you will be able to discover for yourself some of the news that have arrived and that are to arrive in the coming months. Are you really going to miss it?
Keep reading⬇

Tips that will help you start the course with Additio App on the right foot
With these tips that we give you, you will have everything ready to start the course in the best way. Find out what they are:
- Import students to new groups, and archive old groups in the cloud.
If you have already used Additio App during the previous course, our first advice is to import the students you already have to the new groups with whom you are going to work this course. With this import process, you will be able to move students from one course to another quickly and easily, selecting only those students who are part of the new group.
Also, if you archive old groups, you’ll have an easier time working with only those groups you’ll be using this year.
Doing this process is very easy:
- Create a new group, and when importing students, choose the option “Import students from Existing Group”. There you can choose the students that will be part of the group.
- To archive the old group, go to the group-class list, and in the three points select “Archive groups in the cloud”. Thereyou will select the group you want to archive.
2. Activate the skill assessment in your groups.
In those groups where you want to carry out a competency assessment, go to the three points, edit group, and check the boxes “Assessment by key skills”, “Assessment by specific skills”, and “Assessment by evaluation criteria”. This will activate the corresponding tabs to be able to assess skills and analyze the assessment targets.
Remember that the assessment targets will allow you to see how the students’ skills evolve, and which ones should be given more emphasis.
3. Configure and customize the different types of evaluation.
Did you know that you can customize the values of attendance or different types of evaluation? You can even create your own. We encourage you to adapt the types of evaluation to your liking, or create new ones that totally adapt to what you need.
To do so, go to the side menu and under Assessment Tools, select Type of Evaluation. There you will have everything very easy to make the changes you want or create your new types of evaluation.
Something very interesting is also selecting what you want to be the default value of the evaluation types. This will greatly help you in creating quick columns.
The news that are already here
We have been working throughout the year to be able to offer you news that you will surely love.
One of the ones that are already here is user roles for Centers. This is a functionality found in the license for centers, with which educational centers will be able to define and customize different roles for users, giving access or denying access to certain functions and modules of the center.
By default, centers will have 3 roles:
- Administrator: role with access to everything and the ability to create or edit other roles.
- Tutor: role with access to Base Groups, public Stories and Report Card.
- Teacher: role with access to attendance and incident records and monitoring of their base groups.
Besides, centers will be able to create new roles, customizing what access they are given. For example, a role could be created for an ICT coordinator, or for a secretariat, or any other case in which specific accesses not contemplated in the roles that exist by default are required.
The news that will arrive soon
And pay attention, there are other news that will soon be available!
- Sharing and importing quizzes in Additiopedia. We already have the rubrics and didactic units available in Additiopedia, and very soon you will be able to share and import quizzes🤗 We really can’t wait for it!
- Curriculum updates and new curricula. New curricula are on the way, so stay tuned for our next updates!
- Improvements in report cards.This course, report cards will be your best ally.
- And much more…
Do you have everything ready for the new course?
We hope that the tricks to start the course with Additio App are useful to you, and that you can start the routine with enthusiasm. We want to know how the start of the course is going, can you tell us on our social networks?: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.
Remember that you have a free Additio App license in case you want to try the different functionalities that we have, with Additio Starter.
Don’t forget to check out this interview in which Website Planet introduced Additio App and gave us the chance to explain the platform’s objectives and differentiating factors.
Happy start of the course!