Additio App: the most comprehensive LMS for managing the learning environment

Maximize your students' potential and create a unique learning experience with Additio App, the LXP you need in your classroom.
Additio App: the most comprehensive LMS for managing the learning environment
One platform for everything: school managment, communication and academic progress
Features for learning management
Communication and collaboration
Analysis and performance tracking
+150 features for daily tasks
Features for managing the learning environment

These are the main features that Additio App offers as an LMS/LXP for managing the learning environment.

Course organization
Course organization
Design personalized study plans tailored to meet your students' needs
Activities and assignments
Activities and assignments
Simplify the creation and grading of activities and assignments
Students’ engagement
Students’ engagement
Promote teamwork and collaboration among students with self-assessment rubrics and co-evaluation
Increase student participation and interest with interactive and personalized quizzes
Competency-based assessment
Competency-based assessment
Assess and measure your students’ competencies effectively
Educational resources creation
Educational resources creation
Design personalized educational resources and learning situations and easily share them with your students
Features for communication and collaboration

Features that Additio App offers for communication and collaboration between teachers and students:

Massive communication
Massive communication
Maintain clear and constant communication with students and their families, communicating their progress and offering feedback on their learning
Individual and group chats
Individual and group chats
The modern and efficient solution that replaces forums, allowing one-way and two-way communication between teachers, schools, and families. Forget about the old and outdated forums without feedback
Students receive notifications of new activities and academic resources that teachers send them to improve their learning experience
Sharing resources
Sharing resources
Simplify the management and sharing of educational resources and materials between teachers and students
Visibility of academic progress
Visibility of academic progress
Students and families can see academic progress: assessments, grades, comments, attendance, incidents, tracking...
Tutoring and meetings
Tutoring and meetings
You can easily schedule tutorials and meetings with students and families, as well as activities and excursions
Features for performance analysis and follow up

Features that we offer you for students’ performance analysis and follow up:

Analytics for administrators
Analytics for administrators
Monitor and evaluate your students' performance effectively and efficiently
Follow up reports
Follow up reports
Create and customize academic reports on attendance, incidents, and follow up to share the progress with students
Adaptation to distance and in-class education
Adaptation to distance and in-class education
Additio offers tools focused on providing a quality educational experience, regardless of whether teaching is online or in the classroom
What are LMS and LXP, and why do you need one for learning management?
Additio App as LMS & LXP
What are LMS and LXP, and why do you need one for learning management?

LMS and LXP are types of learning management systems.


An LMS (Learning Management System) is a platform designed to manage and administer online courses and learning content. In an LMS, teachers can create and organize educational content, track student progress, and evaluate their performance.


An LXP (Learning Experience Platform) is a platform that focuses on the student learning experience. It emphasizes personalized learning, so students can access relevant educational content tailored to their needs and preferences, and share experiences online.

Request more information for your school

Ask our pedagogy and technology specialists for more information about the plan for schools.


You can also call us at:

Line 1: (0034) 972183214(Worldwide)

Line 2: (0034) 972132498 (Barcelona)

Exclusive lines for information and questions from schools


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Frequently asked questions about Additio App LMS
What is an LMS and how does it work?

An LMS (Learning Management System) is a platform designed to manage and deliver online courses and learning content. In an LMS, teachers can create and organize educational content, track student progress, and evaluate their performance.

What is an LXP and how does it work?

An LXP (Learning Experience Platform) is a platform that focuses on the student learning experience. It emphasizes personalized learning, allowing students to access relevant educational content tailored to their needs and preferences, and enabling them to share experiences online.

What are the advantages of using an LMS in school?

Some advantages to consider of using an LMS are:

-Allows teachers and students to access educational content and materials from anywhere and at any time.

-Offers tools for creating, organizing, and sharing educational content and materials.

-Facilitates collaboration and communication between students and teachers.

-Enables personalization of the learning process and tracking of student performance.

What are the unique features of Additio App as an LMS?

Some unique features of Additio App as an LMS are:

-Focus on user experience and ease of use.

-Ability to customize and adjust the platform to the specific needs of the school.

-Integration with other assessment and student performance tracking tools.

-Ability to manage both in-person and virtual learning environments.

-Availability of several usage plans, both free and paid, making the platform highly accessible to the education community.

Does Additio App LMS integrate with other LMSs?

Yes, Additio App LMS integrates with other educational tools and platforms such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and Moodle.

Is Additio App LMS easy to use for teachers and students?

Additio App is known for its ease of use and intuitive interface. In addition, it offers support to help administrators, teachers, students, and other members of the education community learn how to use the platform.

Trusted by schools and governments around the world

Learn about real stories of how Additio App has transformed academic management and communication in schools around the world.

Gobierno de Cantabria
Centres Sant Francesc d'Assís
Hendrix College
Región de Murcia
NSW Government
Renfrewshire Council
Universidad de Granada
Escola Sant Sadurní
Institut Ermessenda de Girona
Smart Foundation Station
Book a free demo
We'll show you the Additio App application and all its features for schools. We will also answer all your questions and see how Additio App fits into your project.
Fed UE
Didactic Labs, within the framework of the ICEX Export Initiation Program, has had the support of ICEX and co-financing from the European FEDER fund, to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.
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