Additio App and the European group Sdui join forces to continue offering the best digital solutions
18 de April de 2023

Simplifying the everyday life of schools and teachers in Europe: this is Additio App and Sdui’s goal. To this purpose, we join forces to build the best operating system for educational institutions, Ministries of Education and teachers, and keep offering the best digital solutions.

The merger with Sdui Group takes us closer to our main goal of building the most complete operating system for schools and teachers, as the characteristics of the other products of Sdui Group perfectly complement the already existing features in Additio App. Specifically, communication, organization and school administration.

Additio App joins Sdui family (, along with the Swiss Pupil ( and the Belgian Konecto App (, already members of the Sdui Group.

What does this merger with Sdui Group mean for the users of educational institutions and Ministries of Education already working with Additio App?

With the fusion, new features and even more know-how come together under the umbrella of the Sdui Group, from which our schools and teachers in Additio will also benefit:

1) More time for what really counts: Assisting students to develop in the best way possible

To all the solutions that Additio App already offers for academic management (assessment, learning analytics, attendance, academic planning, rubrics, reports…) Sdui, Pupil and Konecto’s solutions are added, simplifying communication and organization in schools (with chats, groups, news, schedules, sickness notes, communication with families and management of files in the school cloud, among many other solutions).

In the future, Sdui Group aims to combine the strengths of the different products to make the operating system available to schools and teachers all over the world.

2) Leadership in privacy and data security

Sdui Group enterprises work for Ministries of Education of Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Great Britain and Australia among others, recognized by guaranteeing the maximum standards regarding privacy and data security. The operation will keep boosting the tools and support on this account and complying with the GDPR for Additio App to expand the agreements and collaborations with Councils and Ministries of Education.

3) Best team and know-how for schools and teachers

The merger of the Additio App team with Sdui Group teams will increase knowledge and resources to improve even more the solutions and existing products.

4) For educational institutions by educational experts: A shared vision

With former student Daniel Zacharias (Sdui), former teacher Arber Wagner (Pupil) and university professor Jordi Corominas (Additio App), founders from three countries and with different perspectives on the same challenge have joined forces: Making European educational institutions fit for the 21st century. The minds behind the Sdui Group know first-hand what solutions their application needs to offer, to enable a decisive change in everyday school and teachers.

About Sdui Group

Sdui was founded in Koblenz in 2018 and now is one of the emergent enterprises that have grown the fastest in the German industry of educational technology as Sdui Group. As a trusted partner, it guides educational institutions, authorities and ministries through the digitization process and it develops the operating system for digitalized schools and daycare centers.

Nowadays, with the recent incorporation of Additio, it has more than 200 employees and presence in more than 70 countries on the world. A total sum of about 13,000 educational institutions that use the current platform, and thousands of teachers, families and students.

Fed UE
Didactic Labs, within the framework of the ICEX Export Initiation Program, has had the support of ICEX and co-financing from the European FEDER fund, to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.
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