Ministry of Education in Murcia

Communication solution for more than 700 public schools in Murcia
A communication solution that connects schools and families throughout the region
Ministry of Education in Murcia
A communication solution that connects schools and families throughout the region
Use of Edvoice
Use of Edvoice
Since 2022
Active teachers
Active teachers
Active families
Active families
Messages sent
Messages sent
+88 millions

Since 2022, we have been working together with the Murcia Ministry of Education to provide a platform that improves institutional communication with families and students, in a secure and private environment controlled by the educational centers. In this framework, teachers can easily communicate with students and families, to involve them in their academic progress. The project is therefore based on a virtual environment in which any type of educational resource can be shared and communicated in a group or unidirectional way with the entire educational community.


What was the educational need or challenge in Murcia?

The educational centers in Murcia needed a secure and private platform that would put the school and teachers in contact with the students and their families. This platform had to allow to involve students and their families in their own learning process, being able to access shared educational resources, and establishing a direct communication channel to be updated on all the news concerning the center and the education of students.


Why did they choose Additio App for their technological challenges?

Additio App’s communication platform is based on a secure and private environment, entirely controlled by the educational centers. It offers multiple functionalities that allow students and families to have access to all kinds of information about the evolution of their learning.


What solution do we provide to lead the educational digital transformation?

Knowing the importance of establishing a private and direct communication channel between schools in Murcia and families, the solution we provide consists of the following main features, meeting all the needs required by the Ministry of Education:


  • Unidirectional communication, either by the educational center or by the teachers. These are massive communications that admit both text and images or documents, and that allow families to be informed of any general aspect of the center or of the different subjects.
  • Subscription to informative channels, based on public stories. The centers can create specific channels to inform about specific extracurricular activities, about secretarial issues, etc.

  • Individual chats, either internally in the center, or externally to connect the center with students and families. The chats support text and audio entries, as well as files and images. They are completely private and secure.
  • Group chats, which connect teachers and staff of the center. Ideal for communication within the department, faculty, management team, etc.
  • Event requests, so that families are informed in real time of events and happenings at the school, with specific dates.
  • Sending forms and authorizations to students and families, with the possibility of digital signature to confirm receipt. Ideal to replace paper newsletters that get lost at the bottom of the backpack: permission for field trips, image rights, canteen intolerances…

  • Sending and sharing educational resources: teachers have a collaborative learning environment, through which they can send their students rubrics, worksheets, homework, presentations, links, videos… And any type of resource they need to boost their learning outside and inside the classroom!
  • Possibility to manage payments, to make it easier for students and families to pay for materials, excursions or others, from a secure and simple environment.


What results have they achieved using Additio App?

Since the start of the project of the Murcia Regional Ministry of Education together with Additio App, these are the results that have been obtained:

  • +700 educational centers using the solution.
  • +19,000 active teachers.
  • +170,000 active students and families.
  • +88 million messages sent.
Request more information for your school

Ask our pedagogical and technology specialists for information about the plan for schools.


Or call us at +34 972183214

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Book a free demo
We will show you all the Additio App platform and functionalities for educational centers. We will also solve all your doubts and we will see how Additio App fits in your project.
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