Nowadays, significant and non-significant curricular adaptations are a key aspect to assure all our students have equal access to the curriculum. Actually, they can make the difference in the learning progress of students with a disability.
If you want to know what curricular adaptations are (significant and non-significant) and how to apply them in your class planning with Additio, keep on reading this week’s post!

What are curricular adaptations?
Curricular adaptations are adjustments and modifications implemented in the classroom and in the materials used to adapt them to specific needs students with a disability may have. Thus, this work is done to achieve these students’ success and to be sure they have access to high-quality education.
They are also important to convey a respect and inclusion environment in the class, therefore, guarantee equal opportunities for students with a disability or special educational needs.
Furthermore, we can split them into those significant and those non-significant. If you want to know the difference between them, read on!

What are non-significant curricular adaptations? + Examples
Non-significant curricular adaptations are small changes and adjustments in how the contents of the curriculum are organized or presented. These do not affect the level of demand nor the scheduling of the whole class.
Therefore, they mean a more individualized focus for the teacher or a content adaptation. You can find some example of non-significant curricular adaptations below:
- Extension of the time the student has to take a task or test.
- Modification of the presentation of contents to highlight key information, either with colors, graphics, big size texts…
- Adaptation of the activities’ format with more visual exercises, or even reducing the quantity or complexity of exercises.
- Use of technology to improve comprehension through videos, interactive contents, etc.
- Modifications in statements and the definition of the exercises, to offer more detailed and easy to understand information.

What are significant curricular adaptations? + Examples
Now that we know what non-significant curricular adaptations are, let’s read about significant curricular adaptations. As you may imagine, they go a step further than the ones we have seen previously. These ones imply deeper changes in curriculum design adapting to the student’s or group of students’ needs.
They may lead into modifications in goals, methodologies, assessment… As these are remarkable changes, a psychopedagogical assessment of the student will be required.
Some examples of significant curricular adaptations:
- Modification of the learning goals established by the official curriculum and adjustment to the level and needs of the student.
- Adaptation of the methodology used for teaching and use other methods more adequate to the needs of the student, for example, cooperative learning.
- Adaptation of the assessment by using different types of assessment that adapt to the student.
- Temporary modification to do activities and tests, providing them more time to do them properly.
- Implementation of technical support as earphones, magnifying glasses, etc.

Advantages of implementing significant and non-significant curricular adaptations
Implementing curricular adaptations (either significant or non-significant) can contribute with lots of benefits that are important to highlight:
- Promote inclusion: the inclusion of students with special needs are promoted with curricular adaptations, improving the support to their needs.
- More autonomy of the student with a disability: thanks to curricular adaptations students with special needs are provided with the necessary tools to have more autonomy in their own learning process.
- More motivation: self-esteem and motivation can increase by easing the access to the curriculum to students’ with special needs, as this is the basis of their academic success.

How to implement curricular adaptations with Additio?
At this point you may wonder and how do we introduce all this with Additio? Take notes of our suggestions below:
- In each student file there is a section of Comments that you can use for this particular case. You can identify those students that require curricular adaptations and report it in Comments.
- When you work didactic sequencing of a didactic unit or project, use the field Attention to diversity to indicate how you are adapting the contents of this didactic unit to the students with special needs.
- In the class group, when you create a new assessment column you can add a comment on a specific student, where you can write how you are adapting the materials or how you are assessing the student according to curricular adaptation.
- Use communication with students and families, this is a great option to share the progress of the students and communicate the adaptations that are implemented.
- Create assessment tools adjusted to the student, according to the specific needs that may be required for these activities. For example, you can duplicate a rubric and apply changes and modifications.
Are you working significant and non-significant curricular adaptations with Additio?
Now you know that we have several features that will help you implement curricular adaptations effectively. If you do not have Additio yet, you can create your free account with Additio Starter, and try all we introduce to you in this post.
Last but not least, do not forget to come say hi in our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube!