Have the best start to the school year with these recommendations
3 de September de 2024

Now that we are on the verge of starting the school year, it’s a good time to recall some of the best recommendations that will make it a successful beginning. Good preparation and planning will ensure that you establish a positive and pleasant environment in the classroom, which will foster student motivation.

Whether you are just beginning your journey as a teacher or have a long career in the world of education, stay tuned to read these recommendations.

Recommendation 1: Set clear and achievable goals

La pThe first recommendation we give you to have a successful start to the school year is to take some time to set goals and objectives for this year. Defining them will help you plan how your teaching should be throughout the course.

Remember that the goals you set should be SMART, meaning:

  • Specific: They should clearly define what you want to achieve (for example, implementing gamification in the classroom).
  • Measurable: You should be able to measure their level of attainment or achievement, with clear indicators (for example, achieving a class average above 7 in gamified activities).
  • Achievable: The goals should be realistic, meaning you should have sufficient resources to achieve them (for example, do you have resources to prepare the gamified activities?).
  • Relevant: These goals should align with your teaching and values and address a real issue in the educational field (for example, implementing gamification will help increase student motivation in a world dominated by new technologies and social networks).
  • Time-bound: The specific time in which to achieve these goals should be defined (for example, I want to introduce one gamified activity each trimester).

Following the previous example, a goal might look like this:

“I want to implement gamification in the classroom, as students are absorbed in new technologies and social networks, and are losing interest in traditional activities. Implementing gamification will help me increase their motivation for my Natural Sciences subject. This 2024-2025 school year, I will introduce one gamified activity per trimester, and the goal is for students to achieve an average of 7 out of 10 in these activities. I will use online resources that I am already familiar with, and I will also research other tools that might help me with this.”

See how easy it is to set your goals for this new school year? Now it’s your turn!

Recommendation 2: Choose the tools that will be your allies in the classroom

If there’s one thing you need to be clear about before starting classes, it’s which tools you’ll use to enhance your teaching this year.

To choose the right tools, you should consider some aspects to ensure that these tools are useful and beneficial in your teaching:

  • Ease of Use: Opt for tools that are intuitive and easy to use, allowing you to spend more time on teaching itself.
  • Multiple Solutions in One: To make your work easier, it’s important to have tools that offer multiple solutions in one, as learning to use one can provide many functionalities that will be useful in your day-to-day tasks. For example, in Additio App, you’ll have a tool for evaluation, but also for creating interactive quizzes, communication, sharing resources, academic planning, administrative management, and much more!
  • Privacy and Data Security: Ensure that the tools you choose to accompany you throughout the course comply with the highest standards of privacy and data security, especially since they involve handling minors’ data. This won’t be a concern with Additio App, as we protect all data.
  • Support: The tool should have a support team that can answer any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year.
  • Multi-device: Make sure you can use these tools on different devices, and that data is always saved. It will make your teaching tasks much easier!

Recommendation 3: Get training to improve your digital skills and master the most important current educational trends

Today, training is a fundamental aspect of staying up to date with all the latest developments in education and acquiring knowledge that will surely enrich your teaching.

Whatever your motivation for training, it’s undeniable that it is a fundamental aspect that allows you to acquire tools and approaches that will be very useful in the classroom.

Recommendation 4: Prepare your materials to have them ready for this school year

The more work you get done before the start of the school year, the better! That’s why it’s important to have all your materials and resources ready so that you can be relaxed for the rest of the year.

What kind of materials can you prepare to start the new school year smoothly?

  • Evaluation structures: If you’re clear on how you’ll evaluate throughout the year, you can prepare the evaluation structures for your classes, indicating exams, activities, oral presentations… This way, during the year, you’ll only have to focus on teaching and evaluating.
  • Printable materials: If you’re one of those who implement activities with printable materials during the year, take advantage of the first few days of school to prepare them, or at least think about which ones you’ll need.
  • Evaluation rubrics: Another way to ensure you have everything under control is to have the rubrics you’ll use throughout the year, or at least for the first trimester, prepared. Remember that if you need inspiration, you can find many rubrics for free on Additiopedia, the free resource bank of Additio App.
  • Didactic units and projects: This might be one of the tasks that require the most time on your part, but it’s very necessary to ensure a successful school year. Additionally, if you search Additiopedia, you can find didactic units that make your work easier and save you time in preparation. Check them out!
Image by Freepik

Do you have everything ready for this new school year?

The start of the school year is an exciting and stressful time. What other tips and recommendations would you give to teachers who are now starting the school year just like you?

We’re waiting for you on social media to hear from you: FacebookTwitterInstagram and Youtube.

Remember that with Additio App, you can conduct skills-based assessments that place students at the center of learning, keeping them informed about their progress and helping them identify areas for improvement and strengths.

More than 150 features accompany you to enhance your teaching and the students’ learning. You can try the tool for free with the Additio Starter plan, which gives you access to most of the features and allows you to see if the platform really suits your needs.

Happy start to the school year!

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