The importance of cooperative learning and how to implement it in the classroom
23 de April de 2024

You’re probably already familiar with the term “cooperative learning,” which is gaining more traction than ever in today’s educational world. Cooperative learning is an educational methodology that focuses on students working together to learn something, complete a project, achieve a goal…

In this week’s post, we’ll explain exactly what cooperative learning is, the benefits of implementing it in the classroom, and provide ideas for applying it in class.

And if you’re interested in educational methodologies, after reading this post, you won’t want to miss these other posts on discovery learning, flipped classroom, or visual thinking.

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What is cooperative learning?

As mentioned above, cooperative learning is an educational methodology that emphasizes students’ collaborative work to learn something, complete a task in class, achieve a goal…

Instead of working on tasks individually, groups are formed to enrich and assist each other in task and project completion. Ideas are discussed, knowledge is shared, debate and critical thinking are fostered, etc.

In cooperative learning, the success of the group depends on the work of each student, establishing a relationship of interdependence in which mutual support and collaboration are necessary to achieve good results at the group level.

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Benefits of introducing cooperative learning in the classroom

Some benefits of implementing cooperative learning include:

  • Development of communication and social skills: Working in groups develops communication skills as students must communicate ideas, debate them, make them understandable, counter opinions… Social skills such as empathy and conflict resolution are also developed.
  • Deeper learning: By discussing ideas and sharing different opinions, concepts are explored more deeply, leading to more meaningful learning. This helps knowledge to endure over time and to a greater extent.
  • Higher academic performance: Better retention of information and a greater quantity of it lead to better academic results, positively influencing students’ self-esteem.
  • Areas for improvement: Working in groups allows individual areas for improvement to be addressed and improved through collaborative work. Each student has strengths and areas for improvement, and cooperative learning can leverage strengths and take joint action to improve weaknesses.
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3 ideas for applying cooperative learning in class

Now that you know all about cooperative learning and its benefits, here are some original ideas for successfully implementing it in class:

  1. Customised board game: This project can be carried out in groups and will develop students’ communication skills, creativity, and ability to “think outside the box.”

By creating a board game (which can be physical or digital), students will have to debate ideas, reach agreements, make joint decisions… Additionally, this activity is suitable for all subjects, as questions of any type can be included: maths, history, language… Everything fits!

This activity will deepen students’ knowledge of the subject as they will have to come up with questions of varying difficulty and provide answers. It’s a fun and original way to learn and work as a team! They’ll have to design the board, create it (digitally or physically), write the rules, paint it…

You can assess these types of activities with Additio App using the Magic Box functionality, which allows you to evaluate a group of students.

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2. Podcast creation: In an increasingly podcast-dominated world, why not encourage your students to create their own podcast? This involves recording audio content for internet distribution.

    Through scriptwriting, recording, and editing the podcast, your students will have to work in groups, developing their social skills. Additionally, by narrating the podcast, they will also improve their communication skills.

    In subjects like History or Social Sciences, creating a podcast can be very beneficial for consolidating knowledge that may otherwise be difficult to remember in the long term.

    Also, remember that with Additio App, you can find many resources to help you evaluate a podcast. Remember, everything in Additiopedia is completely free, so make the most of it!

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    3. Research project: Another idea, this time more traditional but very effective, is to group students to carry out a research project on a topic you provide from your subject.

      Students will have to work together on information gathering, idea discussion, project writing, and its subsequent presentation to the rest of the class.

      Additionally, if you want to motivate your students in carrying out this project, you can ask them to create a video, perform a theatrical representation, or create a mind map with key conclusions…

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      Cooperative learning: love it or hate it?

      Like all educational methodologies, cooperative learning has both fans and detractors. Do you choose this type of learning in class? Or do you prefer to apply other types of methodologies? We want to know what you think, so visit our social media and tell us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

      Additio App, the school management, evaluation, and communication platform that helps put students at the centre of learning.

      With Additio App, you can conduct competency-based assessment, keeping students informed about their progress and helping them identify areas for improvement and strengths.

      More than 150 features accompany you to improve your teaching and student learning. You can try the tool for free with the Additio Starter plan, which gives you access to most features, and see if the platform really meets your needs.

      See you soon!

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