ARQUS university alliance

European alliance that brings together 9 universities (including the University of Granada)
An LMS solution that allows to centrally manage the additional academic offer
ARQUS university alliance
An LMS solution that allows to centrally manage the additional academic offer
Use of Additio LMS
Use of Additio LMS
Since 2023
Number of universities
Number of universities
Active users
Active users

Since 2023, we have implemented in the university alliance ARQUS a virtual learning environment that allows universities to extend their academic offer with additional online courses. This implementation serves more than 10,000 users.


ARQUS is a European alliance, which brings together 9 universities with an international character. The universities that are part of this alliance are Wrocław, Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon 1, Maynooth, Miño, Padua and Vilnius, and together they serve more than 330,000 students.

Inicio - Arqus

What educational need or challenge did the universities of the ARQUS alliance have?

The nine universities in the alliance each had their own LMS, making it difficult to work centrally with a single platform that provided them with a virtual learning environment. So they were looking for a customized LMS that could serve all nine universities, thus centralizing all academic management of additional courses on a single platform.


Why did they choose Additio LMS for their technology challenges?

Additio LMS provided them with a virtual learning environment that was customizable and tailored to their needs, custom-built for the alliance. In addition, they are supported by a long track record in the development and implementation of educational platforms, with great experience in the digital educational transformation of educational centers around the world.


What solution do we provide to lead the educational digital transformation in the higher education sector?

We have personally developed a virtual learning environment, Additio LMS, which allows them to have a virtual campus to extend the academic and educational offer of the 9 universities.

This virtual learning environment, which is multilingual, is accessible to both teachers and students, and both undergraduate and postgraduate courses are offered.

The LMS we are implementing allows teachers to manage courses, manage users, evaluate and perform all kinds of reporting. In addition, multimedia content can be created within the platform.


Didactic Labs awards ARQUS the Educational Innovation Distinction in Continuous Learning

This recognition has been given for being a benchmark in higher education in terms of innovation in the use of educational digital platforms.

Fed UE
Didactic Labs, within the framework of the ICEX Export Initiation Program, has had the support of ICEX and co-financing from the European FEDER fund, to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.
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